With Demo test, you can finally get active and stay active doing all the sports you enjoy with the right people and groups, sharing sports games, events and activities that suits your profile and needs.Demo test is and application that really understand sports and what people needs on a daily basis to be active.
PROFILESThe app will easily create your sports profile and needs so that our algorithm will make sure we help you discover the people, events and groups that are right for your, specifically and visa versa. Activities we currently support are: Running, Cycling, Swimming, Triathlon, Tennis, Squash, Football, Basketball, Golf, Rowing and more.
PEOPLEDemo test will discover people around you that have a high matching factor to your needs. The match is mutual so you dont need to worry to make contact.
EVENTSDiscover the right events to join and share your favorite activities with the right people. It can be a run, a golf game, a tennis match or a swimming race. You tell us what you are looking for and the app will show you all possibilities. Our algorithm makes sure you dont waste your time looking at things that are not relevant to you. You can get invited to events simply because other people can see your profile or you can create and host your own events.
GROUPSDemo test its the best tool to manage and maintain sports group. It can be your golf foursome, your 8 people running group of friends or a 200 people public cycling group, we support it all. With a group you can find and invite the right people to join the group as members, open and host events, chat, share and much more for different activities and events.
Demo test for BUSINESSDemo test is and SaaS application. We can support your business needs and provide your business a branded Demo test application for you members. If you are a gym, a fitness center, a running group, triathlon group, swimming school, pilates studio or any other business that wants to use Demo test to manage the real life social aspect of your business contact us @ www.everymatch.com and find out how it work. Its easy as 1-2-3. With Demo test you make sure people get active and stay active. Start fighting churn now and increase customer satisfaction by simply helping people share their passions with the right people doing the right activities.